Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Reflection Practice 008

Here is an extended exercise in doing reflections in PS. This took a long time, but I learned a lot. Yeah!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Reflection Practice 007

Here's one from my vis com tutoring I'm taking with David Le. He's helping me to render photo real products as well as prepare my portfolio for concept art presentation.

3D Shark

This was from last term where we had to model a shark for the final. Applied textures and lighting in Maya, but did the background and painting in Photoshop.

Speed painting 106

Another 20 min. Trying to do more of the figure in less time rather then just the close-up shots.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Speed painting 105

Here's a 20 min sketch with a little color.

Speed painting 104

Another quick 10 sketch with color. Really really rough. :-)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Speed painting 103

Quicky 10 min sketch with a splash of color. Didn't do any refinement, just wanted to see how close I could get in the time constraint.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Speed painting 102

Still can't sleep so I just decided to keep painting. This one started as a 15min speed but then I kept going for a few hours just messing around.


Couldn't sleep so I decided to just make something up as I went along. Kind of interesting, I guess...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Speed painting 101

Started as a 15 min sketch, then took another 30 to shape up and add a little tone.