Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hair Studies

Been real bad about not putting work up. Busy trying to put my portfolio together. But since this a sketch blog, I decided to put up my recent practices trying to do more realistic hair rendering. Almost there, just have to work out a few more areas.


  1. No worries, at least you're getting stuff done in the time that you're not posting!

    The hair rendering looks great! Especially the blond one; it looks like you've scalped one of the Jonas brothers or something =P

    This reminds me of a tutorial I found on Deviantart

    Was this where you learned the technique?

  2. Yeah, you're working, that's what counts. Nice technique.

  3. LOL, I could have used this! I actually was looking at a picture of Warren Louw in which he should stages to a headshot painting. Mine turned out differently, but this tutorial is exactly what I needed. :-D
